Scripture Reading - 1 John 2:20

But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. KJV

In this verse of scripture we see that you have an unction, another name could be witness, or check, or intuition, or spiritual feeling. This means that for every decision you make there is a divine system from the Holy One (God) set up to confirm whether or not it is the right decision for you. This includes both natural and spiritual decisions that are made in your soul. This also includes any knowledge you need to succeed in this life. The soul of man (including the mind of man) takes information from both the spiritual realm and the natural realm. Some information in the spiritual realm is evil to move us further away from God just like some of the poisonous food we receive in the natural realm that destroys our life. The Word of God is always the first and foremost witness we use because the Word of God is spiritually pure and good and it establishes the natural realm around us. In the event that no specific scripture covers your situation (like moving to a new location or which job to take), the unction from the Holy One was infused inside of your heart to guide you into God’s pleasing (acceptable) and perfect Will. When we do not have a specific scripture we must operate by the principles of God through prayer, confession and the giving of thanks. Your part is to believe “you know exactly what to do” as a child of God because you mediate upon the principles taught in this scripture that “you know all things”. Since you believe all of God’s Word you speak as if “you know exactly what to do, because that allows the Holy Spirit to bring revelation to your mind concerning the specifics of your decisions (revealing exactly what you need to do or need to know). Confessing you have the wisdom of God for every circumstance in life is a positive confession of faith to propel the giving of thanks to the Lord. This praise of thanksgiving works directly against the negative cares of confusion and doubt. Just remember to be patient, consistent and open because it is God’s Will to led you into His pleasing and perfect Will for your life. Know that when you are limited in knowledge God is always unlimited in His revelation of the situation you are facing. There are many ways the Lord can impart direction to you but you must believe “you know” His direction first to keep the communication channel open with God by faith. Remember “the faith of God” calls those things that are not as though they were. So speak highly of your “all knowing” in Christ so that “you will always know” exactly what you should do in the minuet details of your life which prompts much thanksgiving to God. Amen!